Gevorderde Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India

1 maand, inwonende gevorderde yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh

Als je eenmaal aan het pad van Yoga begint, zul je beseffen dat er nog veel meer te leren valt. Er zijn diepere lagen van zelfontwikkeling en er zijn nog veel praktische oefeningen, filosofische concepten en Indiase geschriften om te ontdekken! 

Pinkyji during the advanced Yoga teacher training course Rishikesh 2024

Voor wie?

Deze opleiding is voor studenten die al begonnen zijn met het toepassen van Yoga in hun leven en toe zijn aan de volgende stap.

Het is voor jou geschikt als je een 200 uur Yoga TTC hebt gedaan bij The Yoga Institute of een van haar locaties. of een 200 uur Yoga TTC elders en je hebt:
– praktische ervaring met basis asana’s en pranayama’s;
– een basiskennis van Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras;
– kennis van de Yamas en Niyamas en deze tot op zekere hoogte toepast;
– begrip van de componenten van Citta en tot op zekere hoogte een onzelfzuchtige houding hebt ontwikkeld.
(Als het bovenstaande niet op jou van toepassing is, zelfs als je ervaring hebt, raden we de 200 uur Yoga TTC aan).

De leraren

De TTC wordt geleid door Pinky More. Pinky voltooide haar yogaopleiding in India voordat ze naar Europa verhuisde. Met haar Indiase achtergrond en begrip voor de Europese manier van leven en perceptie van Yoga is zij de perfecte persoon om een brug te slaan tussen de verschillende landen en culturen.
In deze opleiding wordt ze bijgestaan door lokale Yoga Docenten die ervaring hebben met het complete pakket van Yoga praktijken en een diepgeworteld begrip van de Yoga filosofie en de cultivering ervan in het dagelijks leven.

Rishikesh, India

Rishikesh in de Noord-Indiase deelstaat Uttarakhand wordt ook wel de hoofdstad van de yoga genoemd. Rishikesh ligt aan de rivier de Ganges, aan de voet van de Himalaya en heeft een heilige status voor hindoes. Naast yogabeoefenaars weten ook pelgrims de stad al sinds mensenheugenis te vinden. Naast de beroemde ashram van Maharishi Mahesh Yogi zijn er tientallen ashrams en yogacentra.

Tijdens de TTC verblijven we in een luxe resort waar je kunt verblijven in een gedeelde of privékamer. Een eigen oefenruimte staat tot onze beschikking. Op de verblijfslocatie leef je in een gezond en natuurlijk dagritme, samen met een paar van de docenten. De keuken is Sattvisch vegetarisch.

Content of the Teacher Training Course

The course covers theoretical and practical aspects of Yoga.
The practical aspects include all prime Asana’s with background knowledge and how, why, when and when not to use them. Further you will learn about Pranayama, techniques leading to meditation and Kriyas. Attention is given to unique techniques & concepts pioneered by the founders of The Yoga Institute.

The theoretical aspects include introductions to the origin of yoga and yoga texts such as Hatha Yoga Pradipika. You will go into depth with the psychology and philosophy of Yoga. With the help of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, among others, you will consciously look at your own way of thinking and learn how to live an easier, healthier and happier life. The course includes anatomy and physiology classes and approaches to modern day topics such as dealing with stress.


Theoretical introduction to:

  • Yoga and yogic practice
  • Hatha yoga (including Hatha Yoga Pradipika)
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutras
  • Bhavas – Basis of yoga education
  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Human systems, yoga and health
  • Yoga for wellness
  • Ayurveda
  • Prevention and promotion of positive health
  • Yoga and stress management


  • Knowledge of selected postures
  • Demonstration ability to perform these postures
  • Meditative and Cultural, (dynamic and static version)
  • Techniques pioneered by The Yoga Institute

Practical skills:

  • Kriya
  • Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
  • Pranayama
  • Practice leading to meditation
  • Karma yoga
  • Communication and teaching practice

Inhoud van de gevorderde Yoga TTC in Rishikesh

De opleiding behandelt theoretische en praktische aspecten van Yoga.
De praktische aspecten omvatten 108 Asana’s met achtergrondkennis en hoe, waarom, wanneer en wanneer ze niet te gebruiken. Verder leer je over Pranayama, Bandha, Mudra, Kriya, Bhajan en Dharana. Je leert welke specifieke oefeningen geschikt zijn voor verschillende gezondheidstoestanden.

Voor de theoretische aspecten ga je dieper in op de filosofie. Concepten en Yoga geschriften zijn afkomstig uit Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Samkhya, Vedanta en Bhagavad Gita. Je gaat dieper in op de studie van het menselijk lichaam en leert hoe je een dieet berekent op individuele basis.


Theoretishe onderwerpen:

  • Vedische principles uit Yoga, Samkhya, Vedanta
  • Introductie in Bhagavad Gita
  • Introductie in Upanishads, Dharma Sutra
  • Anatomie, Lichaamsstelsels en Gezondheid
  • Gepersonaliseerd diet gebaseerd op BMI en BMR
  • Yoga voor specifieke gezondheidstoestanden


  • De wetenschap achter Surya Namaskar
  • Kennis van 108 geselecteerde houdingen
  • Demonstratievermogen
  • Manier om uit de Asana’s te komen
  • Asana’s voor elke Chakra en klier

Praktische vaardigheden:

  • Geadvanceerde Pranayama Technieken
  • Selectie van Bandha’s en Mudra’s
  • Oefeningen die tot meditatie leiden
  • Recitatie van Pranava & Soham
  • Recitatie van Mantra, Hymns, Gebed, Invocaties
  • Yoga Nidra


Upcoming Activities


What They Say.

Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2021
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This is the first day of the rest of your life! The best investment of yourself! I will make a change of food in my life and cutting habits. I am in contact with the universal energy again since 7 years. Yeahaaa!
Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2021
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What I would say to someone who is interested in following the TTC is, ‘Do it’! It is not only a truly enriching experience, but one that has the potential to change your life. I absolutely loved the diversity of each day. The mix between theory, practice and different activities is fun and also keeps me alert and energized during the day. I also really, really enjoyed learning about the theory and background of Yoga, Indian philosophy and the Sanskrit language.
Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2021
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My perception of Yoga has changed, as it is more about all aspects of life then I thought. And also there is more behind the practical part which is only highlighted in Western Yoga. After following this course I will take better care of myself before others and tr to love myself more. Not to depend on others but myself and have more faith in the universe.
Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2022
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This Teacher Training Course will change your whole life! I found out you are never done with learning and that with Yoga you can reach the highest states. After this education I will eat better, take more care of my body and keep learning about myself to improve. All of this was possible because of the dedication of the Teachers.
Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2022
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Before doing this course I thought Yoga was only Asana, untill I came to Centre Lothlorien for the first time and see a Yoga Way of Life. Now I can see how much knowledge there is inside the Yoga philosophy. I had never expected that I really like to give an asana class this much. I mostly liked the cooking Indian food with Pinky. Now I know I will live happier and healthier. It does not need to be perfect directly, but I follow a good path!
Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2022
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It surprised me how much the Teacher Training Course is life-changing for me. I will eat more healthy, will reflect more on myself, focus on positive points, have better control over my emotions and be less egocentric. I actually liked how Pinky provoked my ego, as that is where the change started. Also I liked the topics about knowing ourselves and helping ourselves to be happy. I really loved the people! This is an experience to help you understand yourself better. It will change the way to look at the world. You can get rid of some burdens and probably be happier!
Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2022
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This Teacher Training Course is firstly not about becoming a teacher, but about figuring out who you are and how you behave in life. It has changed my perception of Yoga 100%. The most I liked was that the TTC brought me back to my basis. What surprised me the most was that Pinky was able to break down my walls and was able to show me how I was thinking and behaving in life. I will now take time to work on finding my basis, finding my truth, letting go and finding love within myself.
Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2022
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It was even more 'about me' than I thought. I was aware before, that Yoga is much more than Pranayama, Asana and Meditation, but I didn't fully realise how much it is about the journey within, about self-growth, learning about yourself and making changes according to that. After completing this training, I know that I will give more priority to a good routine and good habits, including positive affirmations to myself. Centre Lothlorien is a good place for such an experience, you will feel that it can be a home away from home.
Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2022
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This is not just a Teacher Training Course, but this is changing your life. I was surprised by the beauty of this place and the people, but also by the way of thinking 'of the soul'. I especially liked the personal attention and the time spent on the life struggles, rather than just learning theory or asanas. If you are really ready to look at yourself in such depth, then this is a really nice place to go to. There is so much more to Yoga than just Asanas and this makes me curious to learn even more. This is just the beginning!

Do you need Personal advice?

Which Asana suits you? What is your Ayurvedic constitution? Which food and lifestyle will return your health? What do you need to change to find happiness?

Contact us for advice and private consultations