1 year, 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course in the Netherlands and France

Many things in life we learn by trial and error. Not everything is handed down to us in our upbringing and education. On the contrary. In order to participate in our community, to keep our environment and family ties in balance and to stand up for ourselves in this individualistic society, we learn manners and defence mechanisms that are actually not natural. We survive, but we lose who we are inside and run into the same difficulties again and again.

The life philosophy of Yoga contains all the knowledge and guidelines you wish you would have learned from your childhood. They are the stepping stones that lead you to happiness, health and success. It reconnects us to ourselves.

In this one-year course, you start by spending a week at Centre Lothlorien in France. Here you live in a yoga rhythm and learn the first steps to apply Yoga in your life. Then you will have classes spread throughout the year. This way you have the chance to practice at home, in your own rhythm, and further integrate everything you learn into your life. You will be personally guided in a step-by-step growth process. The training ends with another week in France. The training is an accredited 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, which allows you to start as a Yoga instructor.

For Whom?

The course is classified as RYT 200 hours by the Yoga Alliance. Therefore it offers you the complete basic package to start working as a Yoga Instructor. Yet this education focusses on the training of the personal development of the student. The Yoga Teacher Training is therefore suitable for anyone who wants to teach, learn more about the traditional principles of Yoga or develop themselves in a holistic way.

In the course you will learn about the traditional teachings of yoga, which contain many concepts that are not covered in other yoga training programmes in the West. This makes it an enrichment for experienced yoga practitioners and teachers. Furthermore, the training offers an excellent basis for beginners in Yoga. It is not necessary to have previous experience with Yoga. The exercises are adapted to everyone’s personal level.

The Yoga Institute

The Indian Classical Yoga Teacher Training Course is taught according to the values of ‘The Yoga Institute’ in Mumbai, the oldest organised yoga centre in the world. The Yoga Institute has been teaching students from all over the world for over 100 years. The Yoga family is represented by the present Guru Hansaji Yogendra. The knowledge and wisdom comes from an age-old traditional transmission from teacher to student. The Yoga Institute is the first centre dedicated to making the Yoga teachings public for householders. 

Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Arnhem

The Indian Classical Yoga education is held at central locations in the Netherlands. We organise the Yoga Teacher Training Course in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht or Arnhem. Take a look at our offer at the bottom of the page or contact us directly for the possibilities in your area.

Content of the Yoga Teacher Training Course in The Netherlands

The teaching programme is a balance between practice and theory. In practice you will learn all the important Hatha Yoga Asanas and techniques in which you flow from posture to posture. Other exercises consist of Kriyas, Pranayama and meditation exercises.

The theory focuses on delving into the foundation of the traditional Indian Yoga teachings. Topics include historical developments of Yoga, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and concepts from Samkhya philosophy and Ayurveda.

Learning theory and practising asanas is meaningless if you don’t adapt your lifestyle to it. After each class day, you will have time to apply what you have learned to your own life.  


Theoretical introduction to:
  • Yoga and Yogic Practice
  • Hatha Yoga (with Hatha Yoga Pradipika)
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutra’s
  • Bhavas – application of mental attitudes
  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Human systems, Yoga and Health
  • Yoga for Wellness
  • Ayurveda
  • Prevention and promotion of positive health
  • Yoga and Stressmanagement
  • Knowledge of selected postures
  • Demonstration ability to perform these postures
  • Distinction between meditative and cultural, dynamic and static version
  • Techniques pioneered by The Yoga Institute
Practical skills:
  • Exercises to free your muscles
  • Kriya’s
  • Surya Namaskar (Sun salutation)
  • Pranayama
  • Practice leading to meditation
  • Communication and teaching practice


Upcoming Activities


What They Say.

Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2021
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This is the first day of the rest of your life! The best investment of yourself! I will make a change of food in my life and cutting habits. I am in contact with the universal energy again since 7 years. Yeahaaa!
Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2021
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What I would say to someone who is interested in following the TTC is, ‘Do it’! It is not only a truly enriching experience, but one that has the potential to change your life. I absolutely loved the diversity of each day. The mix between theory, practice and different activities is fun and also keeps me alert and energized during the day. I also really, really enjoyed learning about the theory and background of Yoga, Indian philosophy and the Sanskrit language.
Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2021
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My perception of Yoga has changed, as it is more about all aspects of life then I thought. And also there is more behind the practical part which is only highlighted in Western Yoga. After following this course I will take better care of myself before others and tr to love myself more. Not to depend on others but myself and have more faith in the universe.
Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2022
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This Teacher Training Course will change your whole life! I found out you are never done with learning and that with Yoga you can reach the highest states. After this education I will eat better, take more care of my body and keep learning about myself to improve. All of this was possible because of the dedication of the Teachers.
Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2022
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Before doing this course I thought Yoga was only Asana, untill I came to Centre Lothlorien for the first time and see a Yoga Way of Life. Now I can see how much knowledge there is inside the Yoga philosophy. I had never expected that I really like to give an asana class this much. I mostly liked the cooking Indian food with Pinky. Now I know I will live happier and healthier. It does not need to be perfect directly, but I follow a good path!
Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2022
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It surprised me how much the Teacher Training Course is life-changing for me. I will eat more healthy, will reflect more on myself, focus on positive points, have better control over my emotions and be less egocentric. I actually liked how Pinky provoked my ego, as that is where the change started. Also I liked the topics about knowing ourselves and helping ourselves to be happy. I really loved the people! This is an experience to help you understand yourself better. It will change the way to look at the world. You can get rid of some burdens and probably be happier!
Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2022
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This Teacher Training Course is firstly not about becoming a teacher, but about figuring out who you are and how you behave in life. It has changed my perception of Yoga 100%. The most I liked was that the TTC brought me back to my basis. What surprised me the most was that Pinky was able to break down my walls and was able to show me how I was thinking and behaving in life. I will now take time to work on finding my basis, finding my truth, letting go and finding love within myself.
Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2022
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It was even more 'about me' than I thought. I was aware before, that Yoga is much more than Pranayama, Asana and Meditation, but I didn't fully realise how much it is about the journey within, about self-growth, learning about yourself and making changes according to that. After completing this training, I know that I will give more priority to a good routine and good habits, including positive affirmations to myself. Centre Lothlorien is a good place for such an experience, you will feel that it can be a home away from home.
Yoga Teacher Training Course in France 2022
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This is not just a Teacher Training Course, but this is changing your life. I was surprised by the beauty of this place and the people, but also by the way of thinking 'of the soul'. I especially liked the personal attention and the time spent on the life struggles, rather than just learning theory or asanas. If you are really ready to look at yourself in such depth, then this is a really nice place to go to. There is so much more to Yoga than just Asanas and this makes me curious to learn even more. This is just the beginning!

Do you need Personal advice?

Which Asana suits you? What is your Ayurvedic constitution? Which food and lifestyle will return your health? What do you need to change to find happiness?

Contact us for advice and private consultations