Yoga and Ayurveda Teacher Training Course
Revealing the mysteries of Body, Mind & Soul
Yoga and Ayurveda
This one year Yoga and Ayurveda Teacher Trainin Course is an immersion into the philosophy of Yoga and Ayurveda. You will learn the complete basics of Indian Classic Yoga, Yoga as it has been passed down through the ages in India, including all the important asanas and background knowledge. A bridge is built to Ayurveda, differentiating each individual. Depending on your own mindset and body type, the techniques and practices of Yoga and Ayurveda are applied.
Using the ancient Indian knowledge, we look at your body and how to get it into an optimal state. In addition, much attention is paid to calming the ‘mind’ and ultimately how to consciously perceive the connection with your soul. All lessons are meant to be applied to yourself.
The following topics receive special attention during the training.
- Bhavas: individual orientated application of all yoga activities;
- Kriyas: cleansing techniques for your body;
- Asanas: the basis of all yoga postures
- Yoga Sutra: the foundation of yoga philosophy;
- The 3 doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha;
- Vedic cooking: application of Indian wisdom in your own cooking;
- Massage therapy; nourishing and healing the body;
- Walking meditation; controlling the mind with the help of nature;
- Creativity; effortlessly connecting with your soul.
For Whom?
The one year Yoga and Ayurveda Teacher Training Course is designed for anyone who wants to find and develop themselves. It gives you the tools to go through life healthy and happy. Furthermore, the training offers the full foundation of a Yoga Teacher Training course and you can obtain a recognised certificate to start working as a Yoga Instructor. Should the latter not be a goal for you, the study is slightly less intensive, you do not need to take an exam and you can participate at a reduced rate.
Theoretical lessons and teaching material are in Dutch as much as possible. Part of the practical lessons are taught in English. For those wishing to obtain a recognised certificate, the exam is in English. In the final period of the course, there are extra lessons to prepare for this.
The course teaches the traditional teachings of yoga, which include many concepts not covered by other yoga courses in the West. This makes it an enrichment for experienced Yoga practitioners and teachers. Furthermore, the course provides an excellent foundation for beginners in Yoga. It is not necessary to have previous experience with Yoga. The exercises are adapted to everyone’s personal level.
Koning Zwaan
The one year Yoga and Ayurveda Teacher Training Course is offered in collaboration with Koning Zwaan, a comfortable Yoga studio in a quiet spot in Oosterbeek, next to Arnhem. Koning Zwaan is known as a place where you can unwind and relax, where you literally don’t have to do anything, where you can pay attention to your body, recharge and come to yourself, develop yourself and meet nice people.
The Yoga Institute
Indian Classical Yoga is taught to the standards of ‘The Yoga Institute’ in Mumbai, the oldest organised yoga centre in the world. ‘The Yoga Institute’ has been teaching students from all over the world for over 100 years. The Yoga family is represented by the present Guru Hansaji Yogendra. The knowledge and wisdom comes from an ancient traditional transmission from teacher to student. ‘The Yoga Institute’ is the first centre dedicated to making Yoga teachings public for people who have families.
Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Arnhem
All Indian Classical Yoga and Ayurveda teacher training courses are held at central locations in the Netherlands. We organise the Yoga Teacher Training Course in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht or Arnhem. Check our offer at the bottom of the page or contact us directly for the possibilities near you.
Content of the Yoga and Ayurveda Teacher Training Course in Oosterbeek
The content of the teaching programme is a balance between practice and theory. In practice, you will learn all the main Asanas, Kriyas, Pranayama and meditation exercises.
Theory focuses on deepening the foundation of traditional Indian Yoga teachings. Topics covered include historical developments of Yoga, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and concepts from Samkhya philosophy and Ayurveda.
A unique feature of the programme is the focus on activities that are a part of life, but to which not everyone is aware that you can also apply Yoga. Examples include Cooking, Walking, Creativity and Massages.
Learning theory and practising Asanas is meaningless if you don’t adapt your lifestyle accordingly. After each day of class, you will have time to apply everything you have learnt in your own life.
Theoretical introduction to:
- Yoga and Yogic Practice
- Hatha Yoga (with Hatha Yoga Pradipika)
- Patanjali Yoga Sutra’s
- Bhavas – application of mental attitudes
- Human systems, Yoga and Health
- Yoga for Wellness – Prevention and promotion of positive health
- Yoga and Stressmanagement
Practical skills:
- Exercises to free your muscles
- Kriya
- Surya Namaskar (Sun salutation)
- Asana
- Pranayama
- Practice leading to meditation
- Communication and teaching practice
Special attention goes out to:
- Ayurveda;
- Sattvic cooking;
- Creativity;
- Walking meditation;
- Massage therapy;
- Making Yoga part of your family.
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